Zigbee og Thread

Did you know that we are members of the Zigbee Alliance and Thread Group?

Zigbee Alliance and Thread Group

As a member of the Zigbee Alliance and Thread Group, we are part of shaping the future within IoT!

Zigbee is a wireless language used in a number of industries and technologies within IoT.

We are a member of Zigbee Alliance and have been working with the Zigbee communications protocol since 2006.

The Zigbee Alliance collaborates with several of the most innovative companies in the world. Over the past few years, membership has grown sharply and today the Zigbee Alliance consists of an ecosystem with 400 global companies. The organization is composed of committees, working groups and special interest groups.

For us, membership means that we get full access at an early stage to all Zigbee standards and specifications so that we can always be at the forefront of developments within IoT. We associate important contacts, potential customers and get the opportunity to collaborate with the best industry developers. Membership also enables us to certify new Zigbee products.

Thread is a new radio standard for IoT. The standard is based on much of Zigbee’s work, but is IP based, which creates some exciting opportunities.

We are a member of Thread Group and during the past year we have worked with Thread in several pilot projects.

Thread Group consists of a workgroup with global, innovative companies that form an ecosystem with IoT developers. As a member, we keep updated on the development the technology at all times.

Read more about our references and products and solutions that use Zigbee and Thread technology.

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